Venue upgraded

Site Engine have been upgraded to PHPFusion 9 ( Andromeda )
The whole site should now be fully responsive and mobile friendly
The base Theme is a version of Darkcore I made for PHPFusion 9 as a concept of "how to Theme" in v9
Site eMail once more work. Please check your info in edit profile so you have a valid eMail address.
Changed default icons here and there
Updated profile system
Fixed Avatar selector, you can once more browse system selectable avatars and instantly change, See it in Avatar Studio or from the Menu ( top right selector ).
Full responsiveness
Fullscreen Support, see top right options inside games.
Games should scale to your screen, if it for some reason does not. Use the ZoomControl Reset Function ( Top Right Icon between + and - ) or the Fullscreen button.
ZoomControls have been fixed.
New responsive Menu
New ScoreLoader when submitting longer requests
New overlay for Broken reports / Favourites
New Game Over Page with full width / responsive score animation and listings
Moved top info bar inside games to below game
All links that where broken inside Arcade have been fixed. ( High-Scores, All Time Scores etc etc )
Some Games might not work today, All games will eventually work. The new Flash Engine ( Ruffle ) is developed on a daily basis with better and better support. I will try to update weekly
The Score system got some modifications, some games that previously did not score will now score
One way to solve scoring for games that did not score at all was to take the highest number submitted by the flash.
These games submit either 1,2 or even sometimes 3 variables. Only one of these is correct and it differ from game to game.
System now checks all vars submitted and automatically takes the highest number submitted and it settles it
Meaning, the score submitted is not necessarily the on screen number in the game ( PongnoP is one example, very high scores is saved, but it is equal for all )
Game over, High-Score, All Time Score music and sounds will once more play, a tad depending on browser. Chromium base is recommended
New global ratingBar System
You can once more vote in Game Over ( We only allow voting for people who actually played this way )
You can once more vote in Movies
You can now also Vote in Gallery
New Global Sharing System
All items should now be shareable in Facebook, Twitter or by sending a personal eMails using your own client clicking the @
New Media system (FLiX)
Full responsiveness
New responsive Menu
Fullscreen support for Flash movies
Most broken media should have been removed and/or replaced
New overlay for Broken reports / Favourites
Custom support for .swf , MP3 & HTML 5 Media
Fixed the YouTube URL & Image resolver engine
The Adult Group Application System for our NSFW content has been fixed.
You can once more Apply and gain access to these areas
Restricted Access related to this has been updated with some fancy animations
I wanted to run SEO pretty URLs for everything, but apparently some games does not like this and skips to load resources, so we will give it a rest for now.