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First News since 2008

First News since 2008Hello everyone, so it has been a decade +2 years since anyone heard anything from me here.

I know there are many dedicated Gamers here, that is why I have silently fixed the site every now and then for it to operate.

Games now work with a new self-hosted back-end Engine that does not require a Flash Plugin from your browsers. All games might not work yet. Updates to this Engine is done on a daily basis.

Recent fixes

· PHP Engine have been updated to latest PHP 8.
· Venue have been secured with a SSL Certificate.
· Venue no longer uses www, only https.
· Flash have been replaced with a self-hosted back-end Engine.
· Site eMail once more work. Please check your info in edit profile so you have a valid eMail address.

Future service interruptions

· There will be a brief down-time soon due to migration to a brand new server. This might take a couple of hours and it might take a couple of days. I will close the site in good time before starting the migration.
· Improvements to site interface is on the wishlist.
· Flash games engine is updated on a daily/weekly basis. Work in progress to get all games operational.
Domi January 25 2021 2,003