Name |
Title |
Purpose |
Activated |
Duration |
Initiated by Google Doubleclick |
id |
Doubleclick ID |
Google uses the DoubleClick cookie on DFP sites, AdSense sites, partner sites and certain Google services to serve more relevant ads across the web and limit the number of times a given ad is shown to you. You should read more here. |
On visit |
2 Years |
Initiated by Google Analytics |
__utma / __utmb / __utmc / __utmz |
Google Analytics |
Google Analytics uses cookies to define user sessions, and to provide a number of reporting features. These cookies are set or updated only to collect the data required for such reports, and are first-party. You can opt out here. |
On visit |
Up to 2 Years |
Initiated by Youtube |
Visitor_INFO1_LIVE / use-hitbox / PREF |
Youtube |
Youtube uses cookies to define user settings and preferences. These cookies are set to only handle yur clip views and settings. You can readmore about it here. |
Youtube viewing |
Up to 1 Year |
Initiated by us upon visit |
fusioncp8ev_visited |
Visit check |
Used to prevent various double counting. |
On visit |
Browser Session |
Session check |
Used by various things such as Facebook logins and server session trackings. |
On visit |
Browser Session |
Initiated by you |
fusioncp8ev_user |
Account Login |
Required so we can enable account functions. |
On login |
1 Year |
fusioncp8ev_lastvisit |
Last visit |
This tells us about your last login here. |
On login |
1 Year |
fusioncp8ev_cookieconsent |
Cookie Consent |
Prevents display of the cookie notification message. |
If you click the I Consent Cookies, this will be set to not remind you again! |
1 Year |